This website contains low-resolution images which you are allowed to download to your personal or business computer for design composition purposes.
You are not allowed to distribute, copy or share these digital images by inclusion in any kind of library, storage system, network configuration or similar arrangement, and you may not create any network which allows others to do so.
The digital images may be used in materials for personal, non-commercial, test or sample use, including layouts. They may not be used in any final materials distributed inside or outside of your company or to the public, including but not limited to, advertising and marketing materials or any online, broadcast or other electronic distribution system (however you may transmit layouts digitally or electronically to your clients for their review).
Property rights for all material on this site is held by Sara Richards, and no rights may be granted to the low-resolution digital media.
If you are unsure of your rights, please contact Sara Richards at the address provided on this website.